I am Tewodros Tassew (Teddy), a software engineering graduate student at Northwestern Polytechnical University, China. My current research area includes applying detection and segmentation algorithms for the early diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease from MRI and DaT Scan images. At Aoxiang Innovation Center, I have worked on the development of a software that can detect regions of interest in medical images for tracking the progression of Parkinson's disease.
My research area includes applying deep learning techniques and computer vision for the early diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease from MRI and DaT Scan images. I am an avid learner and a generalist with quite a bit of experience in android development, python programming, OpenCV, and object detection. I am open to collaborating with individuals who are open to working on object detection problems in order to solve needs in the medical industry.

2021-2024 (Expected)
M.S. in Software Engineering
Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU)
Thesis: Research on Early Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease from MRI and DaT Scan Images using Detection andSegmentation Algorithms
B.S. in Computer Science
Wenzhou University
Thesis: Covid-19 Tracker – Android based application for real-time tracking of Covid-19
Cornell, Maryland, Max Planck Pre-doctoral Fellow ’23
Outstanding undergraduate and Masters students are invited to learn about cutting-edge research in computer
science. -
Attendees will gain exposure to advanced computer science research, interact with top scientists from US and
European academic institutions, and network with like-minded students.
MIT SGI Research Fellow’23
Geometric Surface Characterization and Classification ( Mentor: Yingying Wu, University of Houston) - Link
Symmetry Detection in NeRF (Mentor: Lin Gao, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Exvivo surface mesh reconstruction from in-vivo FreeSurfer meshes (Mentor: Karthik Gopinath, MGH / Harvard Medical - Link
Digital Future Summit Attendee ’22
One of the largest student-organized conferences in Germany.
Organized entirely by Master in Management students at ESMT Berlin.
Bring young professionals and students together with executives from well-known companies and emerging startups.
The Official Journal of the European Alliance of Medical and Biological Engineering and Science (EAMBES)
Impact Factor of 5.076
Review papers submitted in the journal
Student Intern
Provides high-speed image viewing and reporting features for all departments.
Integrate seamlessly image data and clinical data.
Describe the patient’s condition in every aspect through a multidimensional data structure.
Student Intern
Completed training sessions utilizing several world-class smart equipments.
Assisted with projects by applying strong analytical
skills and studies. -
Conducted experiments using micro controllers and robots.
Took meeting notes and compiled paperwork to
support the department.
Professional Membership
Black In AI, Member Black in AI is a place for sharing ideas, fostering collaborations and discussing initiatives
to increase the presence of Black people in the field of Artificial Intelligence - Membership Letter
Served as an assistant teacher at Global Youth Ambassadors Program (GYAP) held in Wenzhou and Changsha
in 2019. Actively involved in creating coursework, hosting classes, and facilitating interactions with a team of
volunteers across the globe! -
Served as Teaching Assistant to an NPU graduate course called Big Data Fundamentals taught by Professor
Chun-I Philip Chen, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor, Department of Computer Science, California State University,
Academic Achievements
Winner of first prize in Chinese Speaking competition at Wenzhou University.
Won second place in Zhejiang provincial entrepreneurship competition.
Winner of the prestigious Hua Feng moral character award at Wenzhou University which is a recognition for
students and faculty members in Wenzhou city who have made extraordinary contributions in their field. -
Won first place two times in China in my eyes essay writing competition at Wenzhou University.
Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC Scholarship) recipient at Northwestern Polytechnical University.
PDDS: A Software for the Early Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease from MRI and DatScan Images using Detection
and Segmentation Algorithms -Biomedical signal processing and control (Impact Factor:5.095) - Published -
A Comprehensive Review of the Application of Machine Learning in Medicine and Health Care - TechRxiv Pre
Print -
Mutltimodal MRI Brain Tumor Segmentation using 3D Attention UNet with Dense Encoder Blocks and Resid-
ual Decoder Blocks -Research Square Pre Print - Under Review For Publication at Multimedia Tools and Applications -
DC-GAN with Feature Attention for Single Image Dehazing -Research Square Pre Print - Under Review For
Publication at Signal, Image and Video Processing -
Towards Accurate Microstructure Estimation via 3D Hybrid Graph Transformer - Under Review For Publication
at Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) Conference 2023 -
Image Recovery Matters: A Recovery-Extraction Framework for Robust Fetal Brain Extraction from MR Images
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.